User guide

User guide

Plato logo

The serving Cobiot

Plato robot looking at you

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Plato helps you deliver food or drinks to your customers and collect their dishes. Enjoy the company of your new friend!

Plato global overview Plato global overview

What’s in the box

What's in the box

Battery Charger with AC cord
Depending on the standards in force in the destination country

Unboxing Plato

Follow the instructions on the Plato packaging.

Plato’s packagnig may differ from one version to another.

Unboxing and Activating Your New Serving Cobiot, Plato - Horizontal Packaging - V1

Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation

Unboxing and Activating Your New Serving Cobiot, Plato - Vertical Packaging - V2

Charging Plato

Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation

🔴 Plato is charging
🟢 Plato is charged

Fully charge Plato before first use and at the end of each shift.

Fully charge Plato before first use
It is recommended to maintain the battery level between 30% and 80% for extended product life.
Even when not in use, charge the battery every 5 months if the battery is stored at 30% and every 20 months if the battery is stored at 100%.
Battery life: the battery guarantees 12 hours operation for Plato depending on use.
Charging time: 3 hours 30 minutes (0>80%) 7 hours 30 minutes (0>100%) for 240 W.
Shutdown: Plato turns off when the battery level is ≤6%.

Check tablet manual

See the manual included in the tablet box to learn how to charge it

charging illustration

  • The Plato’s battery level is indicated in the top left corner of the Display
  • Plato warns you in the Headset if the battery level is too low

Quick and Easy Charging Tips for Plato

Removing the battery from Plato

DO NOT remove the battery if Plato is turned on.
Make sure Plato is turned off and unplugged before removing the battery.

Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation

Understanding Plato’s battery’s level

charging illustration

Push the state of the charge (SOC) button to display the level of charge of Plato’s battery.

🔴🟠⚪⚪⚪0% <= SOC <= 10%
🔴🟠⚪⚪⚪10% <= SOC <= 30%
🔴🟠🟢⚪⚪30% <= SOC <= 50%
🔴🟠🟢🟢⚪50% <= SOC <= 70%
🔴🟠🟢🟢🟢70% <= SOC <= 100%

Getting Started

Turning Plato On

charging illustration

Press the On/Off Button for 2 seconds

Check that the Main switch is in the l position and the Auto/Manual switch is in the A position.

charging illustration

Setting up Plato for the first time

charging illustration

Follow the instructions on Plato’s display and the Tablet to configure Plato.

charging illustration

Refer to the additional Router’s guide to check how to setup 4G router and/or WIFI router.


To have Plato ready to navigate in your space, you first need to map your place and annotate it.
Mapping with Plato is easy. Just follow these recommendations!

Preparing your room

Illustrated situation

Set the room as for a regular service

Illustrated situation

Make sure that the Plato path is at least 70 cm wide (27.5 in)

Illustrated situation

Make sure nothing and nobody obstructs the path

Turn on all the lights in the room. Prepare the room as for the service and move the chairs back from the tables.

Mapping your room

Illustrated situation

On the Tablet, open the menu and go to Mapping

Illustrated situation

Put the Tablet on the Top shelf and follow the instructions

Illustrated situation

Set the Auto/Manual switch to the M position

Illustrated situation

Then, on the Tablet click on Start mapping

Illustrated situation

Hold the Top Shelf like a steering wheel and push Plato forward

Illustrated situation

Move Plato back and forth along all the paths Plato must go

Illustrated situation

Move Plato up to 1 cm (0.4 in) from walls and obstacles

Illustrated situation

Then return to the starting point to complete the mapping


Finally, click on the Finish and save button

Move Plato over the paths until all paths are white and clean on the map.

Example mapping result

Adding annotations

Create and edit a Destination for each table and useful points of the service where Plato should go.

Illustrated situation

Move Plato to a strategic position

Illustrated situation

Then, on the Tablet click on the Add Destination button

Do not place Destinations in the orange Obstacle areas, Plato will not go there!

3. Choose Plato’s orientations for a Destination

Illustrated situation

a. Plato’s screen facing customers

Illustrated situation

b. Shelves facing customers

Choose helpful destinations as relay area
Plato can assist kitchen staff and waiters, by servicing areas where waiters pick up or drop off dishes

Creating forbidden zone

Edit and create Forbidden Zones where Plato can not go (shown in red on the map).

Illustrated situation

Move Plato past all obstacles, glass doors, mirrors, escalators and stairs

Illustrated situation

Add a forbidden zone for each location with the Add forbidden zone button


Resize and rotate the forbidden areas on the map to fit

Prepare the room for the service and anticipate the movement of furniture by adding a Forbidden Zone around furniture that may be moved.

Areas that could cause Plato to fall, such as slopes, steps, stairs or escalators, MUST be protected by physical barriers.
Please refer to the safety instructions in this guide.

Testing a map with a Mission

Once the mapping is complete, test the destinations with a training mission.

Illustrated situation

Set the Auto/Manual switch to the A position

Illustrated situation

On the Tablet, add all the Destinations to a mission


Press Start for Plato to begin the Mission

Check Plato’s behaviour with a test map and a few destinations to identify any areas where Plato might have difficulty finding his way.
You can create several maps for different room layouts, environments or services (for example, self-service buffet, table service or conference room).
At the beginning of your service, activate the appropriate map saved according to the room configuration.

When you have completed the room mapping and added Destinations,
Plato is ready to help you!


Display the poster at each entrance to your establishment so everyone knows Plato works here and is aware of the residual risks

Display poster

Operating Plato

Each shelf, including accessories, has a maximum load of 10 kg.

Plato is not compliant with the Food Contact Directive. Do not place unprotected food (pieces of bread, fruit with edible skin, etc.) directly on Plato. To carry unprotected food, please use the appropriate food contact accessories.

A collision or any other emergency stop situation may cause loads to fall from Plato, which could cause serious injury. Restaurant staff must ensure the stability of dishes and any other items loaded on shelves before starting a Delivery, Collecting, Birthday or Cruise task.

Practices examples

Aldebaran is not responsible in the event of injuries following such an incident. Aldebaran provides accessories for various types of dishes and glasses to help ensure the stability of loads on Plato. Please contact your distributor for more information.

Customising Plato with the Settings

On Plato’s display or the Tablet, go to the Settings menu.

Press 3 seconds on the Advanced settings button to access Advanced settings.

Creating a Service Mission

Plato can deliver something or someone with a Service Mission.

Create mission interface

1. On Plato’s display or the Tablet, select a Delivery, Collecting or Birthday task
2. Select a Destination
3. Select an Endpoint
4. Press Start

Delivery task

Illustrated situation

Arriving at the destination, Plato says something and waits for the dishes to be served.

Illustrated situation

Plato leaves either when the shelves have been emptied, the timer has expired or someone presses the Done button or skips the task.

Collecting task

Illustrated situation

Arriving at the destination, Plato says to clear the table.

Illustrated situation

Plato leaves when the timer expires or someone presses the Done button, or skips the task.

Birthday task

Illustrated situation

Plato goes to the destination singing a birthday song and turns on multicoloured lights.

Illustrated situation

Plato leaves as for a Delivery task.

You can configure the end-of-task triggers in the Settings :

  • Shelves have been emptied Shelves have been emptied
  • The timer has expired The timer has expired
  • Someone presses the Done button Someone presses the Done button
  • Someone skips the task Someone skips the task with tab screen Someone skips the task with voice commands

At the beginning of a service and everytime an accessory is changed, you should press the Tare all shelves button on Plato’s display.

Creating a Cruise Mission

Plato can loop around several points with a Cruise Mission.

Cruise mission on tablet

  1. On Plato’s display or the Tablet, go to the Mission configuration screen:
    a. Click on the Switching mode button and select Cruise
    b. Select a list of Destinations
    c. Save the mission for future use
  2. Press Start when Plato is ready to cruise
Illustrated situation

Pause Plato to edit or complete an ongoing mission

Interacting with Plato

You can interact with Plato in many ways during the missions.

Managing Plato during Missions

Plato’s displayxxxx
Pause/Resume Buttonsx
Top Shelf Buttonxx

When Plato is navigating, you can also pause a task by double clicking with two fingers on the screen.

Understanding Plato’s lights

Illustrated situation
Illustrated situation

Listening to Plato’s feedback sentences

Plato can say Feedback sentences in various situations, such as when arriving at a table for delivery.

Illustrated situation

You can select which Feedback sentences Plato will say in the Settings.

Voice commands _ upon availibility

You can give commands and hear feedback from Plato with the supplied Headset.

  • Refer to the supplied Headset documentation for full utilisation instructions.
  • Voice commands is an optional feature, please contact your distributor for more information.

Setting up the headset

1. Go to Plato’s Settings
2. Press Headset pairing, then follow the instructions

We strongly recommend using your native language when talking to Plato to get the best results.
If needed, you can change Plato’s language in the Settings.

Giving voice commands to Plato

Voice commands is an optional feature, please contact your distributor for more information.

Illustrated situation

Put on your Headset with the microphone in front of your mouth


Choose the task you want Plato to perform


Speak normally and avoid pausing verbally between “Plato” and the command

Follow these tips for the most efficient experience
Name your Destinations so they are easy to pronounce

  • Don’t use articles such as the, a or an
  • Don’t name Destinations with a single letter
  • Don’t use special characters or emojis
KitchenX Æ A-Xii
Table 1The table 1
P1P 1

The list of voice commands

SERVE A TABLE”Plato serve (slowly) <destination>” / Plato go to <destination> (slowly)“
CLEAR A TABLE”Plato clear <destination>
BIRTHDAY MODE”Plato birthday at <destination>
PAUSE PLATO”Plato pause mode” / Plato pause yourself”
RESUME FROM PAUSE”Plato resume your task” / Plato continue”
CANCEL ALL TASKS”Plato stop your mission”

Taking care of Plato

Illustrated situation

Don’t lift, bump, push, or climb on Plato

Illustrated situation

Don’t stack things on Plato and don’t exceed the maximum load

Illustrated situation

Don’t remove any screws or open any covers except the Battery hatch and the Charging hatch

Moving Plato manually

Illustrated situation

Open the Charging hatch

Illustrated situation

Set the Auto/Manual switch to the M position

Illustrated situation

Hold the top shelf and move Plato by pushing it forward.
You can use the top shelf to direct Plato

When you’re done, set the Auto/Manual switch back to the A position so Plato can move safely on its own.

Regulatory authorities require the Auto/Manual switch to be tested once a month.

Turning Plato off

Hold the On/Off button for 3 seconds

Illustrated situation

Don’t flip the Main switch while Plato is On.

Cleaning Plato

Must be done at least once a week

Make sure Plato is turned off and unplugged.

  • 2 people are needed to lay down Plato
  • Empty Plato and remove all accessories from its shelves
  • Place a piece of soft material on the floor such as a towel or a rug


Cleaning Plato step 1 1. Hold Plato firmly Cleaning Plato step 2-3 2. Lift Plato
3. Tilt Plato and gently lay it down on the piece of soft material Cleaning Plato step 4 4. Remove any debris from the wheels and base

Be careful not to pinch your fingers
To hold Plato by the base, place one hand on the wheel instead of the base cover because covers can be sharp


Illustrated situation

Clean Plato’s body and sensors with a soft dry cloth.

Plato can be cleaned with:

  • Alcohol based detergent (Ethanol purity 50% - 75%)
  • Sodium hypochlorite Sanitizer
  • Alkaline electrolised water
  • Neutral detergent
  • IPA (Iso-propyl-alcohol)

Using the Emergency button

Push it to stop Plato in case of emergency

When all is safe

Illustrated situation

For example when:

  • Plato has tipped over
  • Plato does not operate properly
Illustrated situation

Release the Emergency Button by twisting it

Illustrated situation

Follow the instructions on Plato’s display

Regulatory authorities require the emergency stop function to be tested once a month