Plato’s video tutorials

Unboxing and Activating Your New Serving Cobiot, Plato - Horizontal Packaging - V1

Unboxing and Activating Your New Serving Cobiot, Plato - Vertical Packaging - V2

Quick and Easy Charging Tips for Plato

How to do the first Setup for Plato

Mapping Your Environment with Plato : A Step-by-Step Guide

How to create a delivery mission with Plato

How to create a Birthday Delivery with Plato

How to create a Cruise Mode with Plato

How to use the Follow Me mode with Plato

Unlocking the Full Potential of Plato : Advanced Setup Tips

How to customize Plato’s speech and display

Mastering Voice Commands for Plato: Tips and Tricks

How to Maintain and Clean Plato

How to Update Plato

Emergency Stop and Pause Functions for Plato

How to support Rectangular Trays on Plato

Repacking Plato: A Step-by-Step Guide - Horizontal Packaging - V1

Repacking Plato: A Step-by-Step Guide - Vertical Packaging - V2